My Blog, My Mess, My Business

I dun understand y she's like dat , i m too tired to find out y. Been at that age before but y shul i care so much. Maybe bcos y i was born to care to listen n to words to describe the rest of it s sum1 or sum ppl may say "Ya right!". They need help, i dun mind travel a dist to get it or to check it out. i dun ask for ask. All i want is jus care abt me too. Its true Money nor material can buy ppl love, But dun u realise dat Its the THOUGHT that counts. I jus kept to myself n let it be. Even if i voice it out, i dun get anything too. Its either hatred on me or on the other person. I let bygones be bygones. I still have GOD. Hopefully HE look after me. Water always runs dry but blood still runs tru...

9:17 PM

My Blog, My Mess, My Business

Whats who's up there, I'm down here...yooohoo

Taking a break before heading back to camp. Fun ride , testing the F1 formula of bikes. hehehe

Tremendously delicious spicy black pepper chicken. No shop can beat my mum's special BPC. smacking yum yum.

This was from the organiser's food contribution. Nice! i Like.

This is me, who else then. shown w a tree (nothing better to do)

We enjoying our lunch after my expedition of cycling w sis. Hungry man, cannot tahan.

Capturing kid's greatest moments.

Enjoyzing the sun n lazing on the breakwater.

6:14 PM

My Blog, My Mess, My Business

Dun be shock! The kitten is not attacking the bunny, they are best cute little buddies. Its amazing & surprising cos they actually slept in the same cage. They have jus finished their baths few hours back & we let them play w each other. U'll see dat Chomot(bunny) will hopped to Labu(kitten) every now & then.

11:39 PM

My Blog, My Mess, My Business

The Party continue again. eh!! not a party lah, jus it sounds nice. Make a good Saturday lunch which consist of spaghetti, takoyaki balls (me pro liao! hehehe!!-(as if)) & "Gigantic" delicious chewy chocolate chip & walnut cookies.
P.s: Eat these kind of cookies at the end of the meals as they will fill u up!. woooh!!!

6:00 PM

Few weeks back bought a takoyaki grill pan. worth buying though. To 'feed' those hunger for takoyaki balls. Tako - means octopus; yaki - derived from "yaku" means to bake or to grill.
As a new beginner in this sort of things, the product came out ok. Anyways it end up in our stomachs. (",). Oops btw cant fnd octopus meat so i substitute for other kinds.

All the necessary items to begin with. Recipes can be found on any website. Too Lazy to list & i added extra ingredients for the batter. (forgotten to take the batter pix). These were for a party of 4~5 ppl.

GRILLING TIME ==>> At Last! presenting .....TAaa DAaaa!!!. Yummy yummy.

5:54 PM
